Index of performance
Index of performance

index of performance

  • First to launch Provisional Climate Change EU Climate Transition and EU Paris-Aligned Indexes in November 2019 12Ģ AUM tracking or benchmarked to MSCI ESG indexesģ Through our legacy companies KLD, Innovest, IRRC, and GMI RatingsĤ 7 Source: MSCI ESG Research as of as of June 2020, coverage subject to changeĥ MSCI ESG Indexes and MSCI Analytics utilize information from, but are not provided by, MSCI ESG Research LLC.
  • First to launch Low Carbon Indexes to address the two dimensions of carbon emissions and fossil fuel reserves in September 2014.
  • No simulated history: ESG index history going back over 10 years for MSCI World, back to 2013 for MSCI Emerging Markets.
  • index of performance

    First ESG Index: MSCI’s KLD 400 Index is the longest running ESG index with 30 years of live history 9 and above-benchmark returns since 1994 10.

    index of performance

    MSCI ESG Controversies executive summary methodologyīusiness Involvement Screening Research Methodology Overview First ESG ratings provider to measure and embed companies’ ESG risk exposure 8.Objective rules based ESG ratings, with an average 45% of data, 7 coming from alternative data sources, utilizing AI tech to extract and verify unstructured data.Only dataset with live history (12+ years) demonstrating economic relevance 6 First ESG provider to assess companies based on industry materiality, dating back to 1999.MSCI ESG experience and leadership 5 MSCI ESG Research

    Index of performance